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About this blog

From time to time I will post some updates here to give everyone some insight as to what I have been working on and what may be upcoming for release, this includes but not limited to random screenshots from the development process all the way through to videos that may also go along with the project(s) I choose to disclose.

Entries in this blog

A step into the unknown

Recently I have taken the steps of learning Unity and what I can say is I already have learned so much in the last few weeks of messing about. I am yet to take any of the official tutorials because its near guaranteed that it will be ~45-60 mins of useless shit talk, 4-5 mins of actual information deemed vital.   I know, I know... "These tutorials are set up with complete newbies in mind" - Yeah sure, but you see they expect that in every tutorial up on the official tutorial archives a



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