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    NVTR 3.0 NV Timecycle Remake [Graphics] Final
  6. Hey man, you probably won't see this as this is an old siren pack but I was wondering if you still have the mix siren which was meant to come, or if not; where I could possibly get it from.
  7. Does anyone have a nice Simson S51 model for my FiveM Server? or can anyone create a model?
  8. Hi there Darkmyre, how have you been? i'm writing you today because i'm having some problem using your Patrol Toolkit mod for lspdfr Ver. 4.2.7730, it's impossible to me disable Lock Speed Unit in my patrol, the only way to disable this function occurs when i put on my Sirens, apart of this the speed radar on target vehicles starts to work but i don't know how cuz i don't know what is the keybindings for each function.


    i could noticed in this version of Patrol toolkit missing that function where you could raise the hand and stop the drivers and make them roll down window without order them go to marked RBT location as previous version (lemme know if you remember the key to do this action),  i checked the .ini file but doest not appear parts related to this actions that i mentioned you, i beg you please give me a hand if you can, sincerely i loved this mod, the RBT checkpoint function are incredible. 


    Note: in Photo 4 is where i can't raise the hand to stop drivers without sending to RBT checkpoint, help me with keys please


    i attached some pictures, take care!

    Photo 1.png

    Photo 2.png

    Photo 3.png

    Photo 4.png

  9. Heya, just one more question, sorry to be pain in the ass. I downloaded a version 4.1, that has CPR in it and it works flawlessly. The only thing I noticed is the animation is not complete while perfoming CPR. The ped does not move, when my character begins the CPR animation. Is there any way to fix it? Seems like easy fix, just to attach the ped to the rest of CPR animation, or am I wrong? If not, doesn't matter, was just curious :). Thx for help! PS: The ped starts to move once the heart compression begins.
  10. No worries, chief! Thanks for the explanation, I thought it was like that, but wasn't sure XD. Alrighty, will try it tomorrow. Heads off to you, that you still offer to help players with your mods. Cheers :)!
  11. All the Paramedic stuff was split off into a separate plugin Emergency Response (linked in the comment above). Currently, you'd need to have that plugin installed also to use the CPR feature, but it should work even as a police officer (I think, it's been years since I've even played LSPDFR so not entirely certain). I'm hoping to get some updates out for my plugins over the next few months, so might look at bringing this feature back to Agency... in hindsight splitting things up caused a lot more confusion for very little benefit.
  12. Hi, Dark, how ya doing? the mod is awesome! It's 2024 and its still one of my favorite ones. Sorry to be pain in the ass, but just making sure if I'm doing something wrong. I installed your mod accordingly and everything seems to work fine - except CPR feature. When I stand near dead ped nothing happens, when I press U, even if I change keybinds, same outcome. Is this only available in paramedic mode? Cuz I'm trying to CPR as a police officer. Thanks for help in advance :)!
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