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Not losing mods with updates



Hey all


so after folllwing this for quite some time, and having played GTA V on PS3 since it's release - I bit the bullet and purchased a legit retail PC version of the game so I could mod it.


we don't have internet where I live and rely on mobile hotspots and mobile wifi devices to get us by. So I figured paying retail price for a hard copy of the game is a sure fire way to be able to play said game on a pc.


So no sooner do I install all 7 discs worth to find I need to be online to activate (that's fine) ... then 63GB worth of "updates" before I can proceed.


Today I travelled quite some distance to utilise my parents unlimited internet, to find their speeds aren't that great and it will take 8-12 hours to update (plus the multitude of updates the laptop now is also demanding) so it's currently at their place doing its thing overnight.


my question - after all this run around for a game I still haven't been able to play, once it's all updated and happy and lets me actually start a single player off line game - how do I idiot proof it so I won't lose my mods? 

I've read I need to periodically log in online for it to verify the install, and it will then proceed to overwrite the mods as it identifies them as corrupt / incorrect files. Is this true ?


essentially I don't want to Have spend the past 2 days and countless hours to mod a game that will un do all this work when I go to play it again in a weeks time 


i wont have my laptop back until later in the week now due to work etc so I don't even know if this stupid update has worked.







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2 answers to this question

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Just have a directory on your hard disk with your favorite mods you use always and then when you update the game it will rsetting so just drag and drop again all mods into your Gta, i did this method and always worked, jsut see that pic i did.



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