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Data Files

Customized config and data files, including XML edits for plugins, ELS configs, and meta mods.

5 files

  1. Free

    NVTR final

    NVTR 3.0 
    NV Timecycle Remake [Graphics] Final


       (0 reviews)



  2. Free

    SearchWarrant Revised Custom Item List [ 100+ new items]

    All credit goes to Darkmyre, original creator of the SearchWarrant plugin.

    General Information : 
    Instead of the default three XML files for the General, Weapons and Narcotics item lists you will have this
    custom one instead. I added real narcotics and drug names and quantities. Probably added 30-50 items for each category.
    So I would say about 150 or so new items. This ranges from the general items you will find such as vape pens
    and other added casual items, to new weapons to seize. Added nearly EVERY weapon from the wiki into here for you to find.
    Whether it be a MK II pistol with extended magazine on the perp, or the dufflebag in the trunk with shotguns and carbine
    rifles inside it. Also revised the narcotics section, added actual drug names and quantity names with a lot of
    variation in weights and containers. Everything from cannabis to hash and " wax " and " dabs " all way to the heavier stuff
    like prescription pills and painkillers. Also the heavy stuff like heroin and meth is there as well. Along with MDMA and
    molly and new synthetic drugs. I intend on adding like 10-15 new items to each category every day or so as I think of them.
    So expect updates. This will make sure your playthroughs and patrols and if you make them gameplay videos have plenty
    of variety and detail in them when it comes to patting down peds/suspects and searching vehicles.
    Installation : 
    1: Go to rockstar directory, main root folder
    - Example : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V
    2: Go to " Plugins " folder
    3: Go to " LSPDFR " folder within Plugins folder
    4: Go to " SearchWarrant " Folder within LSPDFR Plugins folder
    5: Replace the three XML files , General - Narcotics - Weapons - with the new downloaded ones I have provided.


       (0 reviews)



  3. Free

    Better Advanced Meta

    This mod aims to improve and tweak the various meta/data files within GTA for a more realistic, less insane game environment. Currently, this mod alters/changes the following:
    Completely removes ambient police pursuits. Tones down other built-in ambient crime events. Attempts to stop random peds stealing your car. (I rarely noticed this in my own game, so I cant be sure the fix works. Feedback welcomed!) Fixes many incorrect AI Handling settings - now sports/super cars will be driven as such, while junky cars are more likely to be driven slow. Increases vehicle damage multipliers for more realistic crashes. PIT's are much more likely to be successful, but also more dangerous without a good ram bar. Reduced vehicle drag across the board, allowing vehicles to reach higher top speeds. Additional tweaking to actual top speeds / drive force will come in future updates. Reduced brake efficiency across the board to give cars a more realistic feel. This results in more lively traffic in a number of ways, from minor (and major) fender benders to an increase in red-light runners.  
    I am working on many more improvements and will likely release an update once I've got a chance to thoroughly test these other improvements.


       (2 reviews)



  4. Free

    New Loadout for " Police Station Armory "

    New Loadout for Police , NOOSE , FIB
    corectet Names to    SWAT , LAPD , LASD ,FBI and DEA
    New in version 2.5
    added Loadoutpics for   FBI - LAPD - SWAT
    New in version 2.5.1
    fixed a bug with double pics....
    New in Version 3.0 
    changed all weapon and Loadout icons to the real one.    LAPD / LSPD
    New in Version 3.5
    added LASD Logo , changed some Weaponicons to better one's

    Don't forget backup your files !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    sorry for bad english....


       (0 reviews)



  5. Free

    US Traffic Offenses For Patrol Toolkit Version

    US Traffic Offenses For Patrol Toolkit - Add Realism and Immersion to your patrols with Realistic US traffic offenses!

    This XML file is a rework of the Traffic Offense menu list in Patrol Toolkit, intended to provide more immersion and a familiar offense structure for LSPDFR players in the United States; Adding Infraction groups, improved offense titles/codes, and an updated fines/points system.

    You Will need Patrol Toolkit by Darkmyre!
    1.0.2 FEATURES:
    ~ Offense/Infractions have been re-ordered, and grouped for better organization
    ~ Offense/Infraction Titles have been edited for US Language/Abbreviation and include municipal code numbers for added immersion/role play
    ~ Fines & Demerit Points system has been reworked for added realism, and closer resemble a typical fine structure for many American Municipalities.
    Planned Future Additions:
    Expanding Infractions List
    Incorporate National ACD Codes
    DONE! Arrest and Tow Notification
    Expanding project to a pack containing Different States
    ...and MORE!
    Known Issues
    None at this time, if you encounter an issue please report it so it can be fixed!
    US Traffic Offenses(V1) Rework by BuddaRocks -
    BuddaRocks Gaming (https://www.youtube.com/user/officialbuddarocks)
    *XML file edited/uploaded with permission from Darkmyre*
    PatrolToolkit and Related Files ©Darkmyre Gaming (https://www.youtube.com/c/DarkmyreGamingHD/)

    Change Log 1.0.3
    Added Arrest and Tow notification flags
    Change Log 1.0.2
    Removed Duplicate Entries
    Fixed issue with incomplete line tag causing intermittent crash on menu launch
    Change Log 1.0.1
    Added infraction entry for No/Missing License Plate

    Video Showcase/How To Install:


       (3 reviews)



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